Tearful Heart Retrospective
This time around I didn’t included any items of equip because I felt like a short experience like this game wouldn’t need them and they would be a distraction for the player, and me trying to design them. But wat if those kind of rewards are actually beneficial for the player? what if those rewards don’t need to be actual of any value for the player to enjoy them? Like when Diablo shower the players with gray/green items or gold just because it’s fun fun to get stuff? And what if instead those reward would actually be impactful and reward the player who gets them with something game changing? like some equip that would change in interesting way the game balance or how the battle system works?
too much degenerated strategies (but prolly wasn’t completely obvious and most players dint’ noticed it)
but beside that I think that most skills were pretty useless (not even situational)
it was pretty clear which skills were the best for your bucks in term of ’tears’ energy / turns
Haven’t had too much views/plays on my Itch.io page outside the Reddit ads period. The game “creatives(?)” and screenshots (and probably even the game itself) are just not interesting enough to warrant plays from rando on Itch.io
‘cry’ was kinda op. not much risk in using it so kinda like a no brainer using all your tears in one turn and at the end of that turn just cry to recover all your power
i think the story came out ok but I had some improvements and new scenes that I couln’t add because I made most of the assets on the fly (even before refining story/dialogues) and changing them/creating new ones was super costly
gfx custom 100% except some skill effects that are edit form mv built in animations
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